Day 2: Gratitude in Every Circumstance

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
—1 Thessalonians 5:18

Biblical Reflection

Paul’s words in this verse can be hard to accept, especially when life is tough. It’s one thing to give thanks when things are going well, but what about when they’re not? How do we maintain an attitude of gratitude when everything around us feels uncertain or overwhelming?

This isn’t about denying the hardships in life. Instead, it’s about recognizing that God’s presence and grace remain constant, no matter the season. Gratitude isn't just a response to good circumstances—it’s a posture of the heart that can transcend them. When Paul writes "give thanks in all circumstances," he’s inviting us to trust that even in the mess, there are glimpses of God’s grace to be found.


Today, take 15-20 minutes to make a list of 10 things you’re thankful for right now. Don’t rush through this. Instead, take time to reflect on the small and big ways God’s grace has shown up in your life, even in the midst of the challenges you may be facing.

Here are some prompts to help you get started:

  • What blessings have come from your relationships or family?
  • How has God sustained you physically, emotionally, or spiritually in this season?
  • Are there small, seemingly ordinary moments in your day that bring joy or peace?
  • Think about the beauty of creation around you—what in nature reminds you of God’s care?

Be specific. If you’re thankful for a person, what qualities do they have that reflect God’s love? If it’s for a moment of peace, what was the setting, and how did it feel? Even in a season of struggle, there’s something deeply powerful about naming the gifts God has woven into your days.

Why This Matters

Naming the things we are thankful for—big or small—brings them into focus and shifts our perspective. Sometimes, when life feels overwhelming, our blessings are overshadowed by our problems. This exercise of listing out the ways God is present in your life re-centers your heart, reminding you that His goodness is constant, even when life isn’t.

Gratitude can begin with simple things—a conversation with a friend, a sunset, a verse that spoke to you at the right moment—and grows as we pay attention. The more we practice recognizing God’s grace, the more we see that He is, indeed, with us in every circumstance.

Prayer Focus

After completing your list, spend a few minutes in prayer, thanking God for each item on it. This isn’t just a checklist to run through quickly. Take your time and savor the moment. Let each item remind you of God’s intimate care and presence in your life.

You might pray something like this:

"Lord, I thank You for the blessings You’ve given me today. I thank You for [name something specific on your list] and how it reflects Your love and faithfulness in my life. Help me to see Your hand at work in all things, even when life feels difficult. Give me a heart that notices Your grace and a spirit that responds with gratitude. I trust that You are with me in all circumstances, and I thank You for who You are."

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