Day 1: Remembering Your First Love

Revelation 2:4-5 — “Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first.”

Biblical Reflection

As we begin this journey of gratitude, we start with a call to remember. The words in Revelation speak directly to a heart that may have grown weary or distant. Jesus is gently urging His people to think back to when their faith was most alive—when love for God felt fresh, unshaken, and vibrant.

For some, that might feel distant, especially in the midst of pain or hardship. But God’s invitation is clear: Look back. Remember how He drew near to you in those moments, how His grace sustained you, and how your heart overflowed with a love that came from Him. Sometimes, reconnecting with that early joy can stir up fresh gratitude, even in the midst of trials.


Today, take 30 minutes to reflect on a time when you felt closest to God. Write down what comes to mind:

  • Where were you?
  • What was your life like?
  • How did you experience God’s grace in that season?

Be as specific as you can. Recall the emotions, scriptures, or moments when His presence was undeniable. Perhaps it was a time of personal growth, or a moment of breakthrough, or simply a season of deep contentment in Him.

Don't worry if it takes time to recall those moments—this is a process. You might even notice that reflecting on God's past faithfulness helps to awaken new gratitude in your heart. As you write, consider how those moments shaped who you are today, and let them remind you of God’s consistent faithfulness.

Why This Matters

Gratitude often begins with memory. When we intentionally remember how God has been present in the past, it becomes easier to see how He might be working even now, in ways we don’t always recognize. Looking back with thanksgiving can soften our hearts and realign our perspective, helping us to trust that the same God who met us then is still with us today.

Prayer focus

As you end today’s reflection, take a moment to pray. Ask God to help you remember His past faithfulness—to bring to mind those seasons when His presence was clear.

You might pray something like this:

"Father, I thank You for the times in my life when You were so near, when Your grace was undeniable. Help me to remember Your goodness today, even if it feels far away. Stir up in me a heart of gratitude for how You’ve worked in my life, and help me to trust that You’re still working, even when I can’t see it clearly. Restore my first love for You, and let it grow into deeper trust and thankfulness."

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