Day 3: Reigniting Awe for the Gospel

"But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
—Romans 5:8

Biblical Reflection

Today, we focus on the greatest gift of all: the gospel. The good news of Jesus' death and resurrection is not just something we believe in our minds; it's a truth that transforms our hearts. Paul’s words in Romans 5:8 remind us of the depth of God’s love, a love that didn’t wait for us to clean up our lives or earn His favor. It was while we were still sinners—while we were at our worst—that Christ died for us.

If we ever wonder how much we are loved by God, the cross answers that question. The gospel shows us a love so vast that it reaches into our deepest brokenness and rescues us. Jesus willingly laid down His life for us—not because we deserved it, but because of His grace. This is the heart of the gospel, and it’s what fuels true gratitude. When we remember what Jesus has done for us, it changes everything.


Today, take 15 minutes to meditate on the gospel and the sacrifice of Jesus. Start by reading through Romans 5:6-11 slowly. Let the words sink in as you reflect on the fact that Jesus died for you—personally—while you were still far from Him.

Consider these questions as you meditate:

  • How does it make you feel to know that God’s love pursued you before you ever responded to Him?
  • What does Jesus’ sacrifice mean for your daily life—your identity, your struggles, your hope for the future?
  • What aspect of the gospel strikes you afresh today?

Once you’ve spent time reflecting, write a brief response about what the gospel means to you right now. You don’t need to craft a theological essay—just let your heart respond to the wonder of what Jesus has done. Maybe write about how the gospel has sustained you through hard times, or how it gives you hope today. The key is to reflect deeply on the personal significance of Christ’s sacrifice in your life.

Why This Matters

When life gets tough, it can be easy to lose sight of the immense love God has for us in Christ. Meditating on the gospel isn’t just an intellectual exercise; it’s a way of rekindling our awe and gratitude for the cross. Jesus’ sacrifice is the ultimate display of God’s love, and when we take time to reflect on that, our hearts are stirred to gratitude, no matter our circumstances.

Gratitude grows when we recognize that we are loved with a love that’s not based on our performance but on God's grace. The more we reflect on the gospel, the more our gratitude deepens—because we realize just how much we’ve been given in Christ.

Prayer Focus

As you finish today’s meditation, spend time thanking God for His love and sacrifice. Ask Him to reignite your awe and appreciation for the gospel.

Here’s a simple prayer to guide you:

"Father, I thank You for the incredible gift of Your Son. Thank You for loving me even when I was far from You, and for sending Jesus to die in my place. Help me to never lose the wonder of the gospel. Fill my heart with gratitude as I reflect on Your sacrifice, and let that gratitude shape how I live today. May Your grace be my anchor and my joy, no matter what I face."

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